Rwanda Kanzu Lot# 14

Rwanda Kanzu Lot# 14

from $21.00

Notes of roasted peanuts, brown sugar, apple tart.

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Kanzu washing station is located in Nyamasheke district of Rwanda's Western province. Kanzu is a jewel of a place, organized and well-run. It's set against green hills of coffee, cassava, sweet potato, sugar cane, bananas, and beans at 1900 masl. During the harvest season they employ about 50 local men and women.

After arriving at the washing station the cherry is floated and pulped using a McKinnon disc pulper. The coffee beans are then wrapped in parchment that undergoes a dry fermentation for 16-18 hours. The remaining mucilage is then washed off, followed by soaking. This typically takes up to 18 hours before the coffee is dried on raised beds with a mess bottom, allowing for air circulation. The water waste from this process is treated with Effective Microorganisms (EMTechnologiesTM) to secure the local water resources for the nearby communities.

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